Anita McBride joins comm 361…for a C-SPAN conference

Anita McBride, former chief of staff for first lady Laura Bush, participated in a C-SPAN distance learning video conference on April 14. McBride spoke about her extensive knowledge on many first ladies of American history and took questions from Steve Scully, the political editor for the C-SPAN networks, George Mason University, University of Denver and Purdue University.

Anita McBride

Anita McBride

McBride talked about her work with the U.S.-Afghan Women’s Council and other programs like the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) that help women in those countries involve themselves in the political process or other male-dominated aspects that they’ve been denied from.



“No one can imagine the repression and brutality they faced…” McBride said about Afghan women, “They honestly don’t want to be seen as victims…”

I was really happy I asked McBride a question and her answers were very honest. Many people in my class were nervous about asking questions and I was, too. I’m normally not interested in political journalism but this conference has made me want to try it out.


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