Briggs Ch. 10 – ‘Managing news as a Conversation’

Interactive discussion and online news was the focus of this chapter.



Responding to comments can help journalists seem transparent but many journalists are reluctant to do so because some comments are personal attacks.

Angry Comments

Angry Comments

One journalist — Doug Feaver, former editor at, has created a blog, dot.comments, on the Washington Post’s website that responds to reader comments. Some of the site has even been a resource for articles.

Participating in the conversation helps journalists to stay technologically up-to-date and allows them to have access to more sources. But journalism standards and values need should be upheld online and in social media. Many journalists are creating blogs or Facebook pages to respond to reader comments.

There are even some online journalism social networks:

Many online news sites have rules regarding social media. These often include:

  • Setting guidelines for participants
  • Being careful who you expand your network to
  • Monitoring offensive posts
  • Knowing legal responsibilities
  • Correcting errors
Social Networking Sites

Social Networking Sites


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